
Participant Course

    1. Intro to Education2Success and the Innovate-A-thon Program

    2. What is Innovation?

    3. What is an Innovate-A-thon?

    4. The Four Innovate-A-thon Stages

    5. Left vs Right Brain

    6. IAT Introduction Quiz

    1. Six Crucial Questions

    2. Give it a Good SWOTT

    3. 1 - Identify Quiz

    1. Brainstorming...

    2. How to use SCAMPER to Create Something New from Something Old...

    3. 2 - Ideate Quiz

    1. Concept Scorecard: How to Find a Great Opportunity

    2. Critical Success Factor

    3. 3 - Improve Quiz

    1. Technology Readiness Levels

    2. Lean Canvas

    3. 4 - Implement

    1. Additional Resources

    2. 10 Slides Pitch Deck

    3. Glossary

    4. How to Analyze Your Industry

    5. Refine - Iterate - Pivot ...

    6. Stimulating Your Creativity ...

    7. Types of Creativity...

    8. How to Find a Good Name...

    9. Things to Avoid in a New Venture Plan...

    10. How to Make an Elevator Pitch

    11. How to Sell

    12. Tips for Launching a New Venture

    13. Additional Tips for Presentations...

About this course

  • Free
  • 31 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content
  • Educate, Reward, and Empower participants to solve real world problems

Discover your potential, starting today